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Healthcare Sharing Samaritan

Samaritan Ministries offers two different sharing levels – Classic and Basic.  The costs involved and limitations for each level are different, but the sharing process is exactly the same.



Members in the Classic Level have committed to share new medical needs that exceed $300 in total.  For each new need, the first $300 portion is paid by the member with the medical need (and is referred to as the Member Portion / Initial Unshared Amount).  The ministry then coordinates sharing the remainder of the medical bills up to $250,000.  Unlike a deductible, the $300 Initial Unshared Amount is reduced by the amount of the discounts you receive from your providers – often the $300 unshared amount is completely eliminated!  There is a one-time Administrative Fee of $200 when joining Samaritan, but keep in mind there is no large annual deductible to pay!  Monthly share amounts in the Classic Level are as follows:


Monthly share amounts in the Basic Level are based on the age of the oldest person in the membership and are shown below.  Members in the Basic Level have committed to share 90% of new Needs that exceed the $1,500 Initial Unshared Amount (which is reduced or eliminated by any discounts you receive from your providers).  The remaining 10% up to $13,500 is the member's Co-Share.  A member will not be expected to contribute any further to the Need once they have reached the maximum Co-Share of $13,500.  The remaining bills will be shared at 100% up to $236,500.  There is a one-time Administrative Fee of $200 when joining. 

Your Costs

Healthcare Sharing Samaritan
Healthcare Sharing Samaritan
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